Myojo noodles are good...coz the noodles come in circles...I'm serious. Noodles packed in circle...taste nicer than square noodle. Somehow...they just cook better. These are my astute observations after nearly 18 years of instant Noodle experience. Don't argue with me ok.
Anyway here's a list of my preference of instant noodle brands...and my recommendations if you ever buy Singapore instant noodles...
1) Chu Qian Yi Ding Sesame flavour and Tung-Yi Chicken Abalone (its a tie)
2) Myojo Chicken Abalone
3) Myojo Ramen "Char Mee" (dry spicy noodles...throw in an egg and spinach for a perfect bowl)
4) Nissin Cup Noodle - Chicken Mushroom or Chicken (yea...when really pressed for time...esp the night before exam paper)
5) Maggi Mee (if you cannot find options 1-4)
6) Super Instant Noodle (Please NO. You only eat this if you are ever stranded on an island and by some horrible twist of fate, there are crates of these noodles washed ashore. You wonder if they really are noodles in them...or issit just SODIUM disguised as noodles.)
That said...I shall now reveal the horrible insight I received this morning while cooking the noodles. Apparently one packet of Myojo Mee contains 1890mg of SODIUM. Big deal right...1.9g of sodium only what...
Let the gods laugh...MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA
See...the daily SODIUM requirement of a human body is only 2500mg! Which packet of Myojo Mee packs a whopping 80% of your daily sodium requirement!
Now, that is way too much sodium (let's just consider it salt) for one bowl!!!
Read more about the detrimental effects of sodium here.
Surprisingly, the same information can be gotten at the back of the Myojo Mee packet. Which leaves me to conclude that... Either a) Myojo Mee intends to run its business to the ground or worse b) Nobody really cares about nutrition labels. Judging by the roaring sales of its noodles and by my own ignorance (until today)... b) nobody cares.
My Mama was that my scalp itching? I think my hair's gonna fall off!
Yikes...I think its time we all paid a little more attention to nutrition labels... sodium occurs most in processed food...its used as a flavouring...
Somehow our tongues just love them sodium...who cares what it does to our bodies right?
Processed food...instant noodles, canned food...
And the list includes Mcdonalds!!!
Why the sudden worry about diet? Cause I just watched "Super Size Me"
Everybody who ever eats at McDonalds...should go watch "Super Size Me".
Its a documentary about a guy who goes on a 30 day McDonalds diet...
At the end of the 30 day...he has a liver that's close to collapsing, he puts on close to 30 pounds or 13kg of weight and he's blood-cholesterol is way up the roof...
I'm so off McDonalds for the month...maybe the year...hopefully forever.
That's not to say I even eat it often. I think I average two times in a month. I think that's bad enough hor... Oh my...
After all that's said and done...I've still cleared my bowl of noodles (guilty) but hey...I didn't drink the soup! (lame excuse)
Alright...for longevity's's a picture of me and my sister... standing by the "Bridge of Eternity". Can't say I didn't do my part to try to live longer...

My sister and I on the "Bridge of Eternity" (circa 1984 or 85)

I so love this photo man...its got this retro-chic look. I wonder why I look so "sullen"...?
Ok...everybody watch your sodium intake man...its scary.
And eat only fresh food. My last word of advice...
Until the next 5 cents...
1 comment:
eh i just realised you look kinda like that lawyer on the practice (yes you can tell what i've been doing tonite)... that guy balooney? jimmy berluti haha yes i just found the name...
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