Friends who actually buy you a 3-pack of condoms...who even take the time to choose "Close Fit" for you.
Last night...I went out with Angela, Chee Kong, Eunice, Alex, Ming Yuan and her bf, Wei Liang.
I think we had a few drinks too many...although it was just coffee. But I think everybody got I think the coffee at "The Coffee Connection" - Boat Quay has got some serious dosage of aphrodisiac or something.
Here are my reasons why...
1) Alex, Eunice and Angela goes to 7-11 to buy some drinks coz we went down to the padang to have a chat after TCC closed. Amazingly one of the two girls (*ahem...the ex-somali*) actually convinces him to get a pack of condoms. they meant it as a gift for me. But imagine Alex...stepping ever bravely forward towards the 7-11 cashier...and buying that box of "Close Fit" condoms. Then again...we think he must have been DAMN PROUD...coz he was flanked by two ladies.
Picture : Alex...grinning the way he does. Eunice to his left, Angela on his right. Money in one hand...and condoms in the other. HAHAHAHAHAHA... leaves us to conclude that the 7-11 cashier most likely would have thought "Wah...lucky BAST@RD..." or "Wah...this guy 3-pack enough or not???" Heh heh
In any case, below is the evidence of what they got me...

A "Close Fit" to mark a memorable evening...

2) Prior to this...we actually had a DAMN DAMN GOOD time chatting and talking cock (pun intended) at "The Coffee Connection"...and this was before the purchse at 7-11 mind you...
We had interesting conversation about... (in no order of priority)
- Freaky Waiter who was spying on wayward Lawyer (Angela)
- Why Eugene has become more polite and horny ever since he got attached... go figure
- What Eugene's gf does behind the blinds in his room...
- Why Angela-Ming Yuan-Eunice does not understand the meaning of "in your room"...throughout the evening, they repeatedly ask me... "WHAT YOU MEAN SHE'S IN YOUR ROOM?"
- Me explaining "in my room" to them repeatedly.
- Angela's explanation that "in you room" got many meanings...
- Me again saying, "Yea...she's just using the room" and also having to explain how I managed to kick my very sweet roommate out. (he's away on a trip to India and Nepal lah...)
- Friends asking if my gf does my laundry...and me saying "Yea...she does. Was shocked to find my laundry washed and folded neatly in my cupboard"
- And our good friend Angela tells me that's BAAAAD... at this juncture...its funny to hear a girl tell me that its bad for another girl to do my laundry. I thought its the guys who have these issues. (on a side note....thanks babe...for helping with the laundry. Very SURPRISED.)
- Angela-Ming Yuan-Eunice again asking me "WHAT'S SHE DOING IN YOUR ROOM?" this point in time...I starting to wonder if there's some webcam in my room...secretly filming for the hedonistic pleasure of a cranked up lawyer, tourist promoter and a SINGTEL employee...
(Maybe Eunice will use me as next Singapore attraction...)
- Seriously starting to worry as come my friends so desperate to see my gf. They actually asked me to force her down. Sigh...before this night...I thought I had a nice bunch of civilised folks I could introduce her too. After that night...I fear...
- The worse of it all. They actually ponder if they should drive back to my they could see her "in my room". (Exibit A: Girl in Eugene's room. Here you see the female of the species comfortably exercising her neural capacity mugging for her exams in a room. The room has 4 walls and a door...ever so often the species will eat and sleep. Occasionally she will help with laundry) Eunice...yea...I can be next Singapore attraction.
- How I am the only grandson in my 3 generations are counting on me... yips!
3) So TCC had to close...and we adjourned to meet at the Esplanade park for a longer chat. It was just one of those really swell evenings and we were having tonnes of fun. Angela hasn't heard the story about how I got I had to re-tell it again to everyone. With added bits of extra and drama from Ming Yuan which I never knew existed...And after I reached the conclusion which Angela seems awfully pleased about. Everybody's just enamoured that I've got a girl in my room....hahaha. So they present me with the condom.
At this was laugh out loud crazy man. I figured it out the moment they said they had a reward for me. can make certain connnections.
4) Interestingly...I started looking at the labels behind. And we started discussing them! Hahaha it's actually pretty amusing what the back of a condom box says...
Check out the Tagline!
"Durex Close Fit condoms are narrower than standard condoms to provide a tighter fit for extra confidence"
So...the next time you need to feel confident. Hahaha.
And Ming Yuan saying that we wear them under our pants...which in itself is also wierd.
In any now you know where to get extra confidence.
How about "Non-vaginal use of condoms may increase the risk of them slipping or being damaged"
Duh. But it does leave much to the imagination...what non-vaginal use means as well. Well...I suppose its the goverment's way of encouraging creativity.
And the one which we debated about and thought really funny...
"Nominal Width : 49mm"
What exactly is Nominal Width? Hahahahaha....
Last but not least...something I just noticed...check out where its manufactured!
So reassuring...

OK...Thanks guys. The night was just truly memorable. Made special by them condoms...hahahaha.
This one of those nights that go down in history. The stuff of legends and folklore...
This kinda stories...will keep on telling man.
For all you LOTS club fellas thinking of getting hitched... BEWARE!!!
And Janis...I worry for got a wedding coming... Hahahaha
Haha..... Eugene, you forgot the discussion of whether 4.5cm refers to the width or the circumference. And Wei Liang decides to do alittle maths and find the for it to be 4.5cm around, it needs to be only 1.+ cm width! Talk about CLOSE FIT..... ahem....
Of course there was also talk about Block Catching.... and ahem... Park Catching displayed by Yuan and Wei Liang.... aaahhh... the night out in the park.... :P
Just adding to the memorable and hilarious evening out.....
eh.. pls hor i'm not part of the "what do you mean she's in your room" interrogation gang.... it was only angela and yuan!!!
and the details of 7-11... hehe ms ex-somalia was the one who paid for it... hehe... alex merely chose it and plonked it on the counter...
hahaha... wah lau i had to sign up a blog just to post this comment
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