Back to writing on this little space of mine on the big scary internet.
Stopped writing for a while cause you start evaluating if you really need a space to air or maybe it was just one of those one off fad which you joined coz it seemd fun to do at the time then you realise what the heck its already on the web why not just start using it right? Anyway regarding space to air...I believe Singapore's still got enough for me to let off air.
(farting relieves stress and tension...let them rip!)
So ardent readers (and fans) of this blog space. Thank you for clickin' here ever so often and wondering how come eunene hasn't written like in 1000 years. Is he like waiting for some 1000 year old lingzhi to grow before he actually resumes this space?
Yeah...I must know how you guys feel. Coming here and going away empty...its like you click and then you see that stupid quiz thing I did in January. Must be a real anti-climax...
Hmm...dat said. This entry must really come as an orgasm. See...I'm the highlight of your day!
Ok...enough of sexual innuendoes. What is it with them and me anyway? Maybe I'm just your above average testosterone over-charged raging male. Yah...who in his right mind actually calls Chilli Crab dishes... "ORGASMIC CRABS"??? Nobody I know...but me.
(But seriously...there's this stall in Ang Mo Kio...they serve orgasmic crabs I tell you. Yes...damn nice...but lately damn expensive also.)
All you friends who have been dropping by to have a look at this space. I thank you. You really make it a point to stay in touch with me in your little ways. And yes, I promise I will update more often from now on. I've got lotsa stories to tell nowadays ever since I started...TEACHING.
Yes...teaching. It is a joy...and a damn exhausting one. If you ignore the over-charged raging male testosterones...I think I make a pretty decent primary school teacher.
I regret the last statement. I suddenly have a premonition of parents pulling their students out of my school tomorrow morning and leading them on a mass exodus...hahaha.
But seriously...its been a crazy mix and a rioller-coaster ride lately. Kinda been making me re-evaluate my goals and dreams too. And the newspaper's been printing so much about teaching. I'm gonna start sharing my thoughts here about my experience. I guess is just gonna be another teacher-blog?
NO WAY MAN! Promise I'd still write about other cute as them kids are and as frustrating as it is to churn out lesson plans everyday...I tell myself there's gotta more to life than teaching.
Last but not least...I am seriously writing on a stream of if it all does not make sense, just go visit another blog ok. Singapore's most famous is
xiaxue.blogspot.comAnd I suppose many of you(many? haha...who am I kidding) who read this will wonder how come I seem to write with an audience in this is not a personal diary. Well...I guess its just how I am...I've always been a bit of a showman. Its also how I view this blog thing. Some see it as a diary...I see it as a place to just say what I want to...within the legal and whatever OB markers them
gahmen people are always talking about.
Hmmm...screw that last statement. I write what I want...and you read. Thanks hor... (bats eyelashes to look puppy-dog cute)
I just love it how I can give my readers an orgasmic high and then leave them puking at the end. Hahahaha.
Enough said.
I have returned... (and here are more mis-quotes to mark this momentuos occasion)
Hell hath no fury like a teacher with tonnes of marking to do...
What I do in this blog, echoes in eternity...
ROOOOAAAAARRRRR! (T-rex from Jurassic Park)
ROOOOAAAAARRRRR! (Simba from Lion King)
Till the next 5 cents...