So sue me...this is MY BLOG you looking at. Singapore (where I'm from)...
"Narcissus" is a my favourite brand of button mushrooms...
ok no bloody relation. Go figure.
In any admire Eu Neh Neh below.
That's how most of the NTU Outdoor Adventure friends pronounce eunene...
But I dun mind being called Eu Nee Nee as well...
tomato : "toe-may-toe"... "ta-mah-toe"...
potato : "po-tay-to"... "pa-tah-to"...
eunene : "eu nee nee"... "eu neh neh"... [shrugs]

Eu neh neh rulez!!!

I think I should explain "eunene"...and its origins.
Way way way back in 1995...when the internet was still a fledgling and before the whole bubble...
I signed up for a Pacific Internet account. Back then this was HUGE...and pretty expensive too.
So and my sister had to think of an email address...
My sister being Eunice and me being Eugene...we came up with some possibilities...
euneug... nicegene... etc etc. (
somehow, the other names were taken...and so I just wrote at the sign up counter. Lo and behold... "eunene" was born!
After that...I had to spend some time persuading my sister that this was the right email name for us. Not to mention I stood to gain the most from this name...coz out of six letters in eunene...5 of them are mine. Heh heh...
In any case...the name stuck. Her frens call her eunene too...and so do my friends.
Next...we are lobbying to make "eunene" an official word in the English vocab.
Stay tuned...and don't you dare EUNENE with me or I will EUNENE you upside down...